Advisory City Growth and Development

City Whisperer . Dr Jon Drane's Self publishing laboratory. Self publishing tools, city growth and development, property development training for start up developers, site incubator

Advisory City Growth and Development-Dr Jonathan Drane is an independent researcher and advisor to government, corporate, legal  and academic sectors.

He applies research methods to solve complex problems through project analyses in the commercial construction and development sector. 

This includes acting as an expert witness and advisor to legal teams as well as strategic advice on urban and property development matters

Advisory: Complex Property and Construction Matters

Jonathan acts as an expert witness in complex construction and property development related legal cases. This includes re-creation of construction structures, processes and events due to a lack of evidence across the various plaintiffs and defendants. Learn More

Defects:  Forensic Analysis: Complex Problems related to Construction and Property Development Interface

Dr Jonathan Drane is a recognised expert in design and construction processes as they relate to property development and construction in the Australasian building industry. Jonathan is available as an expert witness and for advisory forensic analysis of complex construction and development problems. Learn More

City Precinct Dynamics

Jonathan is a recognised expert in city precinct development with an emphasis on activation of dormant cityscapes. Jonathan’s doctoral research project (2011 to 2014) studied dormant cityscapes in several Australian regional cities  and how they were bought to life.

Going beyond just a research emphasis he was involved in the revitalisation of the Palmer Street Precinct, Townsville (2003 to 2008) as a catalyst developer. In this way he has both researched and been involved as a practitioner in this specific field of urban activation.

His advisory profile ranges from planning urban development of dormant cityscapes, to forensic analysis of complex constructoin and property development problems in legal and industry situations. Learn More

Key Focus: Development of Dormant Cityscapes:

The concept of bringing dormant cityscapes to life is a key focus of Jonathan’s based on his professional, commercial and research background. There are key actors and forces at work which bring the city to life, however it takes knowledge and time to understand the key catalysts and the growth which occurs in waves that are not always visible, and which occur over historical time in a time lapse sense.

Current Research:

The Defects Dilemma: Property Developers and Defects

Jonathan has been consulted by academic and government institutions on the issue of the rising incidence of defects in multi-storey apartment buildings which are the subject of cowboy developers who leave the developments with unacceptable and dangerous defects resulting in death.

Outer West of Sydney Dormancy:
Jonathan’s post doctoral research is focused on the study of dormancy in outer west centres of Sydney which he calls ‘The Outer Ring’. This includes Campbelltown-Macarthur, Camden, Penrith, Richmond and Windsor. Jonathan maintains a blog pageg and topic pages related to rejuvenation of cityscapes under the heading of The City Whisperer.


Jonathan has worked on projects in an advisory, research and client representation capacity.

For projects that Jonathan has worked on please refer to his

Linked In Profile:

Jonathan’s Linked In Profile