How to bring dead city areas to life. Dead city areas, dr jon drane

Dr Jon Drane unfolds the mystery of how he treats dead city areas as merely ‘dormant’ like in nature e.g. a bear hibernating.

Cities often have ‘dead areas’ like old ports and industrial areas and even residential areas that are no longer active.

Watch Dr Drane’s video on how to bring dormant city areas to life:

Our development studies not only focus on the dynamic areas of development in a city but how they relate to existing dead or dormant areas.

We view dead city areas as merely dormant and from a remnant past.

However our extensive historical and case research show how they are brought to life.


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Our initial dormancy study  provides an historical view of the dormant precinct and its potential to self activate or be activated over a timeline.

We use ARCGIS ( Geographical Information Systems),  field observation and case study analysis.

Download a Flyer Now on our Dormancy Study Page ( see below)  or email us on

Thanks for your interest in our dormancy studies.

Dr Jonathan Drane, dead city areas, city development processes
Dr Jonathan Drane, Dead City Areas.

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Dr Jonathan Drane

Dr Jonathan Drane is an independent researcher and advisor to government, corporate, legal  and academic sectors. He applies research methods to solve complex problems through project analysis in the commercial construction and development sector.


By Dr Jon Drane

Dr Jonathan Drane is a recognised writer, researcher, advisor and teacher in city and property development processes. He is an expert witness in complex construction and property development issues. Jonathan is also the editor of The City Whisperer which explores our growing cities and the results and malaise of growth.

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