Activating dead city areas- City Dormancy Studies

Dead city areas, city dormancy, precinct activation, Dr Jon Drane

Activation of dead city areas involves the viewing of non-vibrant places as dormant like in nature. Dr Jon Drane created the concept of  City Dormancy from the concept of animals who hibernate during winter.

Download Your City Dormancy Study Flyer Here

How to bring dead city areas to life
Activation of Dead City Areas

Simply fill out the form below or the pop up and we will send you an email with the flyer and instructions on the next steps which includes a 30 minute free consultation with Dr Jon Drane and then a proposal, budget and timeline.

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What is involved in a Dormancy Study?

Our initial dormancy study  provides an historical view of the dormant precinct and its potential to self activate or be activated over a timeline.

We use ARCGIS ( Geographical Information Systems),  field observation and case study analysis to map out the precinct and its activation inhibiters and drivers.

The study determines a strategy for re-activation of the precinct and includes:

-An historical dormancy event timeline including colonial and indigenous histories.

-a review of event versus development activation opportunities.

-a street retail strategy study.

-a catalyst development study

-a precinct well being, vagrancy and homelessness review and potential for relief and inclusivity.

-A development framework for rejuvenation

-A developer dynamics study showing the developments that are shaping the dormancy

-A strategy for future stimulation of the precinct in keeping with your town/city planning strategy.

When you fill in the form you will receive an email which outlines the next step and it starts with a 30 minute free consultation with Dr Jon then a written proposal with a budget and timeline.

Learn More about City Dormancy.

Cities often have ‘dead areas’ like old ports and industrial areas and even residential areas that are no longer active.They often house city vagrancy and homelessness and become an economic and social challenge.

Dr Jon Drane unfolds the mystery of how he treats these areas as merely ‘dormant’ like in nature e.g. a bear hibernating.

Watch Dr Drane’s video on how to bring dormant city areas to life:

City Dormancy Studies

Our development studies not only focus on the dynamic areas of development in a city but how they relate to existing dead or dormant areas.

We view dead city areas as merely dormant and from a remnant past.

However our extensive historical and case research show how they are brought to life.



Learn More about Dormancy


Outer West Sydney Basin Dormancy Research Project

Dormancy Studies – The Seed in the Cityscape by Dr Jon Drane


We look forward to hearing from you.

City dormancy studies, dead city areas, precinct activation, Dr Jonathan Drane
City Dormancy Studies, Dr Jon Drane

Dr Jonathan Drane