Higher Degree Research Training Programme

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Higher Degree Research Training Programme for STEM students. Optimum City Research runs a research training programme which is focused on higher degree research and helps with your eligibility for higher degree research internships.

Higher Degree Research (HDR) Eligible Industry Internships – STEM- Engineering Focus

Optimum City Search can provide Higher Education Provider (HEP) and their Higher Education Students (HDR) students with ‘eligible industry internships’ in accordance with the Australian Government’s Research Training Programme (RTP). See their web site:


Our STEM Engineering Theme: Solving Dangerous Defects in the Multi-Apartment Tower Sector

Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) themes. We are currently designing a STEM research initiative with a focus on the engineering theme of ‘solving dangerous defects in the mulit-apartment tower’ see below for more details.

What is an Eligible Industry Internship?

‘Eligible industry internships are at least 3 months long, consist of 60 full-time equivalent days of engagement, and are agreed in written form with a research end-user within 18 months of course commencement for a full-time student, or within 36 months for a part-time student.’ https://www.dese.gov.au/research-block-grants/research-training-program

Why can Optimum City Search Provide an Eligible Industry Internship

Optimum City Research is classified as a ‘Research End User”.

‘A research end-user is defined as an individual, community or organisation external to academia that will directly use or directly benefit from the output, outcome or results of the research. Examples of end users includes businesses, governments, non-governmental organisations, communities and community organisations’. https://www.tcsisupport.gov.au/glossary/glossaryterm/Research-end-user

By aligning your PhD or Masters research topic with our dangerous defects theme you can be eligible for an HDR internship with us.

What Study Areas does Optimum City Research Focus on?

Optimum City Research is an independent industry research and advisory centre in the Built Environment and classified as a ‘research end-user’ under the RTP. Our study areas relate to the built environment and study of city development dynamics, defects in apartment towers, city dormancy and night economy studies.

Our STEM Focus- ‘Solving Dangerous Defects in the Multi-Apartment Tower sector’.

The RTP seeks to align PhD topics with industry training and study areas. It also provides more favourable allocations of research funds to STEM based topics.

Our Defects Dilemma research project seeks to solve dangerous defects in the multi-apartment tower sector. It operates chronological research into the field with case study analysis.

The Defects Dilemma Solving Building Defects

History Check Project– Detecting Time Bombs in Apartment Towers

Multi-apartment towers are displaying dangerous defects and some have historical causes.

After the horrors of cases like Grenfell and Champlain Tower it is important to understand your tower’s history of development.

We can undertake a history check on your apartment tower and provide a potential risk profile.

How History Check Works:

Our History Check studies the origin of an apartment tower and its development processes.

We view the apartment tower as a case study and discover when it was built, who it was built by and how it was constructed.

We want to know if there are any ‘time bombs’ like poor construction materials and systems that have reached their end of use over time.

Learn More: Our history check project is summarised in our flyer. You can download the flyer on this link:

Thanks for your interest in our HDR research internship programme.

We hope that we can align your topic with our industry study areas.

Register Here

Dr Jonathan Drane The City Whisperer, Smarter healthy cities, Property development theory, Night economy, city and property development processes, precinct activation, dead city areas, chronology of building defects, dangerous building defects history check, the defects dilemma, a decade of dangeorus defects, invisible property developer, pilot station history , literature map, building defects expert witness, building defects legal solutions, how agile are you, life path, third age, fourth age.. self organisation, personal success, business success, higher degree research eligible internships
Dr Jonathan Drane

Dr Jonathan Drane


Higher Degree Research Internships – Eligibility criteria

The Defects Dilemma Solving Building Defects

