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Dr Jonathan Drane
Dr Jonathan Drane is an independent researcher and advisor to government, corporate, legal and academic sectors. He applies research methods to solve complex problems through project analysis in the commercial construction and development sector.
Forensic Analysis of Defective Buildings
Jonathan undertakes forensic analysis of the systems of development and construction that often lead to building defects that are witnessed in the Australian commercial high rise building sector. See news articles in side bar —>
Join Our Linked In Group: The Property Development Doctor
The group was started in the wake of tragedies across the Globe in multi-apartment fires. The focus is on defects in the Australian Commercial Property Development Industry in the High Rise Multi-Apartment Sector which is an area that is not protected well by legislative processes and licensing.
Property Development MasterClasses
Jonathan provides executive education on the property development process to industry executives in the government, business and academic sector.
City Precinct Activation Advisory
Jonathan is a recognised expert in city precinct development with an emphasis on activation of dormant cityscapes. Jonathan’s doctoral research project (2011 to 2014) studied dormant cityscapes in several Australian regional cities and how they were bought to life.
Going beyond just a research emphasis he was involved in the revitalisation of the Palmer Street Precinct, Townsville (2003 to 2008) as a catalyst developer. In this way he has both researched and been involved as a practitioner in this specific field of urban activation.
His advisory profile ranges from planning urban development of dormant cityscapes, to forensic analysis of complex construction and property development problems in legal and industry situations.
Jonathan is also a recognised award winning author in the non-fiction and historical genre winning an award for his first book on the Camino de Santiago (The Way of a Thousand Arrows) in 2007 with the NSW Writers Centre.
Get your blog article published on The City Whisperer
We love good articles and Dr Drane welcomes early to mid career researchers and students to write a small article about their fascination with cities.
We vet the article and co-author it if it is explorative and exciting.
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