Building smarter healthy cities- thank you for visiting

Dr Jonathan Drane Mental Health of Cities, city development processes

Thank You For Visiting- Dr Jon Drane- The City Whisperer- Building smarter healthy cities. The City Whisperer explores the future of smarter healthy cities. It focuses on mental health and the city and how we can build better cities of the future.

Dr Jonathan Drane created the City Whisperer from his doctoral research into dead city areas and how they can be re-activated.

The film called The Horse Whisperer which starred Robert Redford and Kristin Scott-Thomas inspired The City Whisperer.

Dr Jon’s doctoral research (2011-2015) focussed on dead city areas and he watched how they re-morphed into vibrant city areas (and some did not).

However the meaning of City Whisperer has grown since it was introduced soon after Dr Jon’s doctorate in 2015.

As with the movie The Horse Whisperer, which centred around the rehabilitation of a greatly loved but injured horse, the city has become a similar metaphor.

In the case of cities as time goes by, they are greatly loved but are suffering from a malaise also. The health and even mental health of cities is now in question.

The City Whisperer explores Mental Health and the City and looks at cities as if they had their own City Persona and The Mental Health of Cities.

And if it was a person, ‘what is its mental health score’. In fact how mental is your city?

Dr Jonathan Drane

Dr Jonathan Drane The City Whisperer
Dr Jonathan Drane

We also acknowledge the work of Charles Landry who was nick named The City Whisperer refer ABC documentary by the same title.

The City Whisperer was born also from the amazing ‘catalyst research’ undertaken by Dr Drane through his Optimum City Research established in 1993 see


The City Whisperer explores the future of smarter healthy cities. It focuses on mental health and the city and how we can build better cities of the future.

Dr Jonathan Drane

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