Mentoring Students and Interns. Dr Jonathan Drane provides mentoring and coaching to Honours, Masters and Doctoral students with an emphasis on social research methods.
This can be applied to:
thesis, article, paper and book publishing.
This includes:
- Social Research Methods
- Literature Review and Mapping
- Case Study Methods
- Interview Methods
- Content Analysis
- Research Tools- e.g. NVivo, Scrivener, Endnote.
- Academic Writing
- Research Planning and Proposals
- Topic definition
- Time management
- Programming
- Work Shopping with other students
Buddy and Group Interaction:
Jonathan places great emphasis on forming buddy and group relationships between students to share in the journey and understanding of research methods and planning. See background below.
Booking A Session With Jonathan :
Keep Updated on Dr Drane’s workshops and other offerings.
Face to Face Workshop:
If you are interested in attending one of Jonathan’s workshops there is a minimum of 10 students required so it can be by arrangement. The workshops are designed to get the group to work toward creating a research outcome during the workshop day.
The pricing of the workshop per attendee depends on the venue and the number of participants. Jonathan operates on the North Shore and Northern Beaches of Sydney.
For more information contact Jonathan on the contact us page.
Jonathan has lectured at:
UNSW in Property and Town Planning/Development Processes
WSU in Property and Property Development
ICMS in Property Management
Sydney University in Strategic Facility Planning and UNSW (Doctorate and Bachelor Degrees)
Jonathan has studied at:
UNSW (Doctorate and Bachelor Degrees)
MGSM in Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) & Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Masters of Arts Research (MA Res)
Student Mentoring and Coaching:
Jonathan obtained a doctorate in 2015 at UNSW Built Environment, an experience that led to him precipitating and leading a community group, a cohort knowledge share programme and a ‘mini-thesis’ project in the faculty ( the first of its kind).
His work in creating this programme is captured in two articles which he wrote together with the cohort students.
He places great emphasis in working in teams and with buddies to get through the arduous and complex process of writing a thesis and the associated research process.
Read Articles:
Drane et al, 2012, A Tale of Two Cultures: Building Community by Researching Community, AARE-APERA conference 2012 , Joint AARE APERA International Conference, Sydney 2012.
Drane et al 2012-A Tale of Two Cultures
Drane 2011, On Voices and Silence, A reflection on a study of isolation and community in two ‘phd labs’ in the Faculty of the Built Environment, University of NSW