OCR (Optimum City Research)  is migrating to opcity.net. OCR and  The City Whisperer focus on creating smarter cities. 

Optimum City Research a veteran of catalyst research in the Built Environment is migrating to opcity.net.  Optimum Search turns thirty this year and has morphed over three decades to become a unique, independant and impactful ‘catalyst research’ centre in the Built Environment. It was founded by Dr Jonathan Drane in November 1993.

We have survived the 1990s ‘forgotten decade’, the global financial crisis and the covid pandemic.

We have watched while the Berlin wall fell, and the twin towers of 9/11 , the two gulf wars, the advent of global terrorism, the economic rise of China and the horror of the Russion invasion of Ukraine.

We have advised governments and industry, stimulated world important research concepts and created major developments which employed hundreds of people.

Our research originated in undergrad, masters and post doctoral topics in UNSW Built Environment in 1973,  Sydney University Built Environment 1994, Macquarie Graduate School of Management 1993 & 2008 and Western Sydney University 2018. We have mentored and engaged interns across these and other universities, colleges and government bodies.

Catalyst research seeks to navigate and stimulate change and innovation in world important topics. It  is at the frontier of new ideas and concepts that have the potential to change our cities and the way we create them and engage with them.

We have shared our ideas freely and generously over these decades and seek genuine catalyst partners who are interested in collaborations in important areas we are developing. Our guiding concept is written by TS Elliot in 1943.

“We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time”

If you would like to learn more simply fill in the form below.

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Dr Jonathan Drane The City Whisperer, Smarter healthy cities, Property development theory, Night economy, city and property development processes, precinct activation, dead city areas, chronology of building defects, dangerous building defects history check, the defects dilemma, a decade of dangeorus defects, invisible property developer, pilot station history , literature map, building defects expert witness, building defects legal solutions, how agile are you, life path, third age, fourth age.. self organisation, personal success, business success, eligible internships
Dr Jonathan Drane

Expert Triage: Expert witness assessment complex legal cases



By Dr Jon Drane

Dr Jonathan Drane is a recognised writer, researcher, advisor and teacher in city and property development processes. He is an expert witness in complex construction and property development issues. Jonathan is also the editor of The City Whisperer which explores our growing cities and the results and malaise of growth. http://www.jondrane.net/

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