Rise of audiobooks, Listening to books, audiobooks, audo products.

Are people listening to books and podcasts more than they are reading books and articles? The rise of audiobooks and audio products seems to be growing but is this true? 

Audible International Executive Matt Gain talks to Dr Jon Drane about the rise of ‘listening to books’. 

Matthew Gain spoke at an I2N Innovation Network Event about his career in Audible and Amazon.  

He was asked by Dr Jon Drane who is a member of I2N  ‘are people listening to books more than reading books?’. 

 Matthew noted the rise of ‘listening to books’ was increasing and depended on different genres and situations. 

 A common thread across all Audiobook offerings is the trend of being ‘time poor’ and whether you are a home carer, executive or a factory packer, the ability to listen to a book is an amazing offering.  

 But is this the case and is it just Audible that is being listened to? 

 See the Matt Gain UON I2N event link

 Dr Jon’s research and podcast team researched and discussed:  

– a brief history of audio,   

-checked with the experts about audio in many situations and 

 –did a fact check to see the state of audio books in general and included it in his own podcast called JDSLAB Episode 7 –Listening to Books 

 -then asked about where this all is heading. 

Special Interview with Bev Roberts – best selling author.

Dr Jon interviews Bev Roberts who talks about her brain health event and how listening to books and creating ‘interview based’ podcasts helped her to recover. This was also captured in her best selling book: Hope in a Dark Tunnel.

Read Podcast Article

Listening to Books- The rise of audiobooks

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Don’t Forget to Take our Quick Quizz based on listening to JDSLAB Podcast Episode 7: ‘Listening to Books’.

Dr Jon’s Tips

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Thanks for reading our article and we hope you enjoy our exciting podcast series JDSLAB A Writer’s Laboratory for Self-publishers

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Dr Jonathan Drane,



By Dr Jon Drane

Dr Jonathan Drane is a recognised writer, researcher, advisor and teacher in city and property development processes. He is an expert witness in complex construction and property development issues. Jonathan is also the editor of The City Whisperer which explores our growing cities and the results and malaise of growth. http://www.jondrane.net/

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