City Development Processes- Publications- Dr Jon Drane

Property development and the growth of cities, Proliferation of tall buildings, dr jon drane, Skyline city City Development Processes Publications Dr Jon Drane, propertydevelopment feasibilty, highest and best us property

City development processes- Dr Jon Drane has written about city property development processes and city growth since 1990. He explains property developer culture and advocates smarter healthy cities.

Jonathan is a recognised expert in city precinct development with an emphasis on activation of dormant cityscapes. Jonathan’s doctoral research project (2011 to 2014) studied dormant cityscapes in several Australian regional cities  and how they were bought to life. 

City Development Processes- the first practitioner doctorate

His study of city development processes includes precinct activation, night economy, dead city areas, dormancy in cities and apartment tower defects. He runs webinars in research skills and project management as is a specialist trainer to goverment and industry bodies.

The City Whisperer was created as a medium for exploring these areas in 2016 and the most recent initiative is to understand mental health and the growth of cities and their relationship.

See below in chronological order:

The Mental Health of Cities

Night Economy Studies

Drane, J 2019 ‘Creating a Night Time Economy: Plan, design or develop?’. Chairman, Workshop Facilitator and Article for ANZ Night Time Economy Forum Sydney from June 12th to 14th, 2019

Link to Article:

Creating a Night Economy: Plan, design or develop?

Link to Conference Web Site

Drane, J 2019  ‘ANZ NIGHT TIME ECONOMY FORUM EXPLORES ‘THE SLEEPING CITY’’. Chairman, Workshop Facilitator and Article for ANZ Night Time Economy Forum Sydney, June 12th to 14th, 2019

Link to Article:

Link to Conference Web Site:

Drane, J 2018 Night Time Economy Council Committee (NTECC): Masterclass Guidance Material 2018 which features Dr Drane’s Master Class on Mixed Development .

Download PDF of NTECC Guidance Materials

City Precinct Activation

Mixed Zoning in Cities-Blunt method or Agent of Change?

Drane, J 2018 ‘Is B4 Mixed Use Zoning a Blunt Instrument or a Catalyst for Change?’
Night Time Economy Council Master Class event at Bankstown Library and Knowledge Centre held on 20th November 2018,

Building Defects in Multi-apartment towers

Drane, J 2018, ‘The State of Contemporary Property Development Structures and Systems in Australia’, Building Regulatory Reform Summit, 2018, Building Products Innovation Council, ACT, Canberra, Australia.

Building Industry Reform Summit Web Site

Summit Programme

Drane, J 2015, ‘Building Defects, How can they be avoided?- a builder’s perspective’, Strata and Community Title in Australia for the 21st Century 2015 Conference.

Drane 2015- Defects A Builders View

Griffith 2015- Strata Conference Programme

Drane, J 2018, ‘Dormancy and the outer west town centres’, Sydney Forum for Architecture and Urban Designers, accessed 3 February 2018, <—dormancy–the-outer-west-by-jonathan-drane-030218.html>

Read Article

Dead City Areas and City Dormancy

Drane, J 2017, ‘Dormancy in two regional cities and its relevance to the growth of Western Sydney’, (The cases of Honeysuckle, Newcastle; Palmer Street, Townsville and Penrith), State of Australian Cities Conference, Adelaide, November 2017.

SOAC 2017 Drane Dormancy abstract

State of Australian Cities Web Page

Contemporary Property Development Theory

Drane, J 2017,  ‘The state of contemporary property development theory’, in Kotlyarov (ed), Real Estate Development, Alpha Print, Yekaterinburg, pp. 20-48.

This is a Russian Translation text edited by Professor Maxim Kotlyarov of the Queen Mary University in London.

Access book on on this link:Девелопмент_недвижимости_

The Property Development Mechanism

Drane, J 2015, ;The Seed in the Cityscape: The Property Development Mechanism and its influence on the growth of cities, UNSWorks, Doctoral Thesis.

Link to UNSW Library for Published Doctorate

Drane, J 2013, ‘The state of contemporary property development theory’, Proceedings of 19th Annual Pacific-Rim Real Estate Society Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

Download Abstract:

Drane 2013- Abstract State of Contemporary Property Dev Theory

Drane 2013- State of Contemporary Prop Dev Theory

Drane, J 2012, ‘A View From The Ground: Implications for the literature on the ‘models of the development process’ based on a model of praxis and an associated mapping study’,
Proceedings of AESOP 26th Annual Congress, METU Ankara, Turkey.

Download Abstract:

Drane 2012- Abstract A View from the Ground

The full article is available through the AESOP website on request on contact  page.

Mental Health in Doctoral Communities

Drane et al, 2012, A Tale of Two Cultures: Building Community by Researching Community, AARE-APERA conference 2012 , Joint AARE APERA International Conference, Sydney 2012.

Download Article:

Drane et al 2012-A Tale of Two Cultures

Drane, J 2011, On Voices and Silence, A reflection on a study of isolation and community in two ‘phd labs’ in the Faculty of the Built Environment, University of NSW

Download Abstract:

Drane 2011- On Voices and Silence

Drane, J , 2009 , Literature Review: The ranking of dynamic cities through a proliferation model and demography of building types. Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Macquarie University, Sydney Australia.

Ranking of Megacities

Download Article:

Drane 2009- Ranking of Megacities

Drane. J 2000, Corporation Man The Next 100 Years,  Megacities International Conference, Hong Kong 2000.
Download Article:

Corporate Strategy and Spatial Needs

Drane.J 1992, 1999 The Relationship between Corporate Strategy and Spatial Needs.
MBA thesis topic at Macquarie Graduate School of Management ( MGSM)

Proliferation of Tall Buildings

Working Papers on Tall Building Proliferation
Earth Acne
Bamboo Buildings
 Drane, J 2007, The Way of a Thousand Arrows- An Australian family’s journey through the Camino de Santiago, Spain, Greenshoot Investments Pty Ltd,.
Drane, 2008, A Guide to the Camino de Santiago, Greenshoot Investments Pty Ltd,
Drane, 2021 The First Pilot, Greenshoot Investments Pty Ltd,
These books are available upon request – see contact page.
Preview them on Books page.