Writing Classes and Bootcamps

 Spring Writing Classes with Dr Jonathan Drane

Is it time to listen to that voice within? Your book is calling!


  • Genres: Non-fiction, auto-biographical and historical novel
  • Writing tools of the trade e.g. scrivener, Endnote
  • Getting Started: Story Creation
  • Getting Organised: Story construction
  • Tools of the Trade for epublishing e.g. calibre, adobe, converters

Is it time to listen to that voice within?
Join our summer writing classes and bring your voice to life in words.
If it is a memoir, a novel, an essay, history or a thesis, it may be time to put pen to paper.
Take time out, share your journey with other writers, and learn from local, award winning author and poet Jonathan Drane

Workshops are online using a webinar interface and based on a minimum of 3 and maximum of 7 participants. Book now or bring your own small group of writers. Contact Jonathan on jon@jondrane.net

Booking An Online  Session With Jonathan :

Booking Page


Keep Updated on Dr Drane’s workshops and other offerings.

News Update


E-publishing Bootcamp for writers with Dr Jonathan Drane

  •  Manuscript creation
  • Manuscript organisation
  • From word to epub- tools of the trade
  • Your own web site- wordpress.org
  • Selling on line.

Learn the pathway from manuscript creation in Word.doc to reformatting into epub/mobi and then pressing the ‘for sale’ button online with Dr Jonathan Drane

The world of writing and publishing is changing at a rapid rate. Print books are now being replaced by ebook formats like epub and mobi formats.

The process of movement from your Word,docx manuscript to a finished epub format is often bewildering.

Take time out in an online webinar style workshop to learn from Jonathan his own experience with self-publishing and how to navigate the pathway of e-publishing.

Workshops are online using a webinar interface and based on a minimum of 3 and maximum of 7 participants. Book now or bring your own small group of writers. Contact Jonathan on jon@jondrane.net

Booking An Online  Session With Jonathan :

Booking Page



Keep Updated on Dr Drane’s workshops and other offerings.

News Update